
corn flour 玉米面。

corn law

Fellow practitioners then took prompt action to purchase the items that were most needed by the victims , which included water , blankets , milk , black beans , soy beans , corn flour , sugar , rice , galvanized metal sheets and timber . they also established the area for distribution . day and night they worked hard to convey master s love together with the relief material , without any delay , into the hands of the victims 目前同修們已針對災民最需要的水蓋被牛奶黑豆黃豆玉米粉糖米鋅板木材等項目,加緊采購及確立分發范圍,日夜工作,以貫徹師父的愛心,將救濟品盡速送到災民的手中。

The results showed that protease could evidently improve the pasting properties of corn flour , the setback and the breakdown were decreased ; the effects of debranching enzyme were not evident ; lactobacillus cell - free enzyme with certain concentration could also improve the pasting properties of corn flour 結果表明:蛋白酶可明顯改善原面粉的糊化性質,其回生值和破損值都減小;脫支酶的作用效果不明顯;乳酸菌胞外酶在一定濃度下也可以改善面粉的糊化性質。

The general method is put corn flour into vessel , and then adding hot water double , and immediately stir evenly into paste , then spread dry maize five centimeters thick above , after three hours can glycosylated 一般做法是將玉米粉倒人缸中,然后再倒入2倍快開的熱水,并立即拌勻成糊狀,再在上面撒一層5厘米厚的干玉米粉,經過3個小時即可糖化。

We have used expanded corn flour , manufactured through the processes of squeezing and expanding , to replace the original auxiliary material - starch in producing ice - cream 摘要介紹了采用擠壓膨化技術生產的膨化玉米粉,應用于冰激凌生產中的工藝過程,用膨化玉米粉代替原配方中的輔料淀粉。

Corn flour is first mixed with fresh shrimps . after steamed , sun dried and many other preparation steps , the paste is then deep fried to make he delicious snake 商家為吸引游客的青睞更將原有一、兩種口味的蝦餅,改良調制為辣味、海苔、螃蟹、黑?椒、墨魚、咖哩等口味。

Stir with fresh shrimps and corn flour and then via steaming , drying and cutting in piece . after sun - dried when you want to eat just frying them 結合安平漁港的新鮮蝦子,將蝦子蒸熟與玉米粉攪拌手工搓揉再經過蒸、風乾、切片日曬、油炸即成香酥可口的蝦餅零嘴。

Lightly grease the muffin tin or line with paper cups . place all - purpose flour , corn flour , salt and baking powder in a bowl . preheat the oven to 190c / 375f 麥芬盤抹上一層薄油或是鋪上麥芬紙杯。把中粉,玉米粉,鹽和烤粉混合備用。烤箱預熱到190c / 375f 。

Jones was not arrested because on interrogating miss clark she told us that the whole of the bowl of corn flour was drunk not by mrs jones but by her 之所以沒有逮捕瓊斯是因為在審問克拉克小姐時他告訴我們整碗的玉米面粉并不是瓊斯太太吃的而是她。 ”

Yes , it seems that she went to mrs jones ' s room as was her custom . mrs jones was sitting up in bed and the bowl of corn flour was beside her “是的,看起來她進入瓊斯太太的房間是十分的正常。瓊斯夫人從床上坐起來,那碗玉米面就在放在她旁邊。 ”

Dust grouper with corn flour . dip the grouper into beaten egg and place on the white bread as a toast . dust the fish toast with bread crumbs 將魚塊先上面粉,然后全面蘸上蛋汁,放上面包,將面包及魚塊一并蘸上面包糠。

The cows used to be fed on corn stalks and corn flour which was produced on their own farm 在冬季奶牛平常主要飼喂自家種植玉米桔桿和玉米,另外購買一些濃縮飼料補充給產奶牛。

Cut tofu into 8 equal portions . combine corn flour and yam flour well and coat tofu evenly with flour mixture 豆腐切成八等份厚塊,先將粟粉和地瓜粉混合,再將豆腐一一沾裹。

Add carrots , onion , sweet potatoes , lemon juice , corn flour and eggs into large bowl and mix well 將紅蘿卜絲、洋蔥碎、蕃薯絲、檸檬汁、生粉及蛋汁混合拌勻。

Clean the seafood and mix with corn flour , egg white and little salt . keep aside for few minutes 將海鮮洗凈,用玉米粉、雞蛋清和適量鹽與蟹一起腌制幾分鐘。

Clean the crabs and mix with corn flour , egg white and little salt . keep aside for few minutes 將鮮蟹洗凈,用玉米粉、雞蛋清和適量鹽與蟹一起腌制幾分鐘。

If you prefer more thicken gravy , can add in some corn flour and stir it with the gravy 如果喜歡比較濃酌的湯汁,可以加入一些太白粉混和

Adding corn flour sauce with water may help decrease the amount of oil used when cooking 用少量生粉和水作芡汁可減少烹調時的用油份量。

Corn flour - 1 tsp 生粉1茶匙

Corn flour - 2 tsp 生粉2茶匙